Saturday, June 12, 2010

General Synod to set up database of eco-friendly parishes

The Anglican Church of Canada is setting up a national database of parishes trying to set and meet targets for reducing the “carbon footprint” of their church buildings.

Support for KAIROS continues to pour in

Not only are people, churches and groups responding with letters of support and making visits to MPs to correct misinformation, but they are also making donations to KAIROS’ work. Most recently we received a legacy gift from the congregation of the former Deer Park United Church.

These generous donations enabled KAIROS to provide small one-year solidarity grants to its Global partners and to carry on its work with Indigenous communities at home, its network of volunteer local committees across Canada and with civil society partners working on ecological justice and human rights. However, in order to implement a Global Partnerships Program, the government must change its position.

General Synod 2010 passes new Climate Change motion

"As Anglicans, our fifth Mark of Mission calls us to “strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.” This resolution empowers General Synod to live more fully into this Mark of Mission in the next triennium. By advocating for more significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, offering worship resources for our communities, and examining our own ways of being through the lens of caring for creation, we are being responsive to God’s call to care for creation.

We, as Christians, cannot rely on government alone to sound the warning bell and challenge us to examine our current lifestyles. The gospel calls us to radical discipleship and an ethic of care of all creation."

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Prevent an Oil Spill in Canada

"You can help protect our oceans. Tell our government leaders that we need stronger management plans and conservation measures for our oceans. That includes marine protected areas – places where critical marine life is protected, and dangerous industry is regulated"

Anglican Communion Environmental Network

Anglican Communion Environmental Network - Home Page

"In many parts of the world local Anglican Churches have given leadership:

* by being advocates for responsible environmental stewardship
* by providing support & leadership to local initiatives to protect the environment
* by seeking to educate Anglicans as individuals and as communities to become better stewards of creation.

In 1998 the bishops gathered at Lambeth expressed their concern that efforts to address such issues be given greater visibility and be better coordinated across the Anglican Communion. The Network is an attempt to do just that. After some initial work following ACC-11 in Dundee (1999), the Network received recognition as an official network of the Anglican Communion at ACC-12 in Hong Kong (2002)."